HLA in maturity-onset type of hyperglycemia in the young

HLA haplotypes in a kindred with a maturity-onset type of hyperglycemia in the young (MOHY) were studied. All diabetics had mild hyperglycemia of early onset, and the inheritance pattern suggested an autosomal dominant trait. Eight of 11 subjects with hyperglycemia shared haplotype A3, Bw15. When only this haplotype was considered, there appeared to be a significant association with hyperglycemia χ2= 6.36). However, since both haplotypes in the proband could be associated with hyperglycemia (both proband's parents had hyperglycemia), the data for both haplotypes were combined, and analysis for an association between both haplotypes and hyperglycemia was not significant (χ2= 2.53). Linkage between a diabetes gene causing MOHY and the HLA, evaluated by lod score analysis, was suggested, but the values were not significant. (Arch Intern Med138:90-93, 1978)