Production studies on protozoa

In the river Saale and in the terrestrial moss Mnium cuspidatum Leyss. in 1974/75 the annual production of Testacea and loricate ciliated protozoa were investigated. The production was estimated in the Saale-Aufwuchs on a β-meso ... oligosaprobic (Kaulsdorf, Thuringia, GDR) and on a α-mesosaprobic (Rothenstein, Thuringia, GDR) area of the river. The mosses were investigated in a forest near Jena. The production was estimated on slides and in special “productionchambers”; the time of exposure was 2 weeks. Investigations concerned annual production of individuals and biomass, the ratio of annual production/standing crop (P/B), numbers of generations per year (G) and mortality (M%/d). In the mosses, the rainfall modified the production and dislocation of the protozoa. The values for production are: Aufwuchs Saale (β-meso... oligosaprobic): 24·106i/m2·a (=1,0 g/m2·a=79·103i/m2·d); P/B: 12.6. Aufwuchs Saale (α-mesosaprobic): 3.2·106i/m2·a (=0.35 g/m2·a=81·103i/m2·d); P/B: 34.9; G: 22; M: 5%/d. Moss: 145·106i/m2·a (=0.11 g/m2·a=40.6·103i/m2·d); P/B: 8.1; G: 16.5; M: 3.0%/d.