Ethnic Identity, Self‐Esteem, and Values in Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and African Americans

This study investigates the relationship between ethnic identity, self‐esteem, value orientations, and perceived value congruence in 207 minority students. It also investigates within‐group concordance and cross‐cultural differences in value orientations. Dilemmas were used to measure value orientations and perceived congruence between personal and group values. A version of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (Phinney, 1992) and Rosenberg's Self‐Esteem Scale (1965) were used to measure ethnic identity and self‐esteem, respectively. Ethnic identity was positively related to self‐esteem. The perception of value congruence was not related to ethnic identity or self‐esteem. There was within‐group concordance in the ranking of value solutions. In addition, the groups differed in the strength of ethnic identity, perceived value congruence, and the ranking of the value solutions.