Heat Capacity of Mn(HCOO)2·2H2O between 1.4 and 20°K

The heat capacity of Mn(HCOO)2·2H2O has been measured between 1.4 and 20°K. Sharp peaks associated with long-range spin ordering are found at 3.72 and 1.72°K. These anomalies can be correlated with corresponding effects in the magnetic and resonance properties of the salt. The present thermal data account for less than half the expected R ln6 of magnetic entropy, with little contribution expected above 20°K, suggesting that half the manganese moments remain highly disordered at 1.4°K. The response of the heat capacity to external magnetic fields supports this conclusion. A unit cell of Mn(HCOO)2·2H2O contains two each of two inequivalent Mn++ sites, types A and B. Formate groups constitute AA and AB bridges and appear to mediate the dominant superexchange couplings. Analysis of the thermal and susceptibility data yields an antiferromagnetic AA exchange parameter Jk=0.65°K and a ferromagnetic AB coupling Jk=0.10°K. A simplified molecular-field treatment of Mn(HCOO)2·2H2O using these parameters provides interpretations of several striking effects. In particular, it shows that below a common transition temperature, B spins order much more slowly than A spins and are nearly "free" at 1°K as seen in both magnetic and thermal data. The model also predicts anomalous behavior below 1°K as a consequence of a sharp temperature dependence of the B-spin order parameter at very low temperatures.