Nuclear Charge Distribution in Fission: Independent Yields ofAg112,I134, andCs138from Spontaneous Fission ofCf252

Independent yields of Ag112, I134, and Cs138 from the spontaneous fission of Cf252 have been measured. These nuclides were separated from metal foils which were used as collectors for fission fragments recoiling from a one-microgram Cf252 source and purified radiochemically. Independent yields were calculated from a knowledge of the activities of the nuclides as a function of separation time. The yields, expressed as fractional independent yields are 0.009±0.004, 0.26±0.03, and 0.11±0.03, for Ag112, I134, and Cs139, respectively. Corresponding values of Zp are 45.18, 52.14, and 53.82. These values differ from unchanged charge distribution by ∼0.45 charge units in agreement with previously measured fractional cumulative yields from Cf252 fission.