Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and ‘warty’ atypia: a study of colposcopic, histological and cytological characteristics

Colposcopic, histological and cytological characteristics of 168 consecutive patients attending a colposcopy clinic were reviewed. A group of patients demonstrated a cluster of histological features previously related to possible human papilloma virus infection of cervical epithelium, including particularly koilocytosis, double nucleation and dyskeratosis. These patients had a significantly greater occurrence of colposcopic 'finger-like' lesion outline and colposcopic impression of warty change, but not of other specific colposcopic features. Over two-thirds of patients with histological warty features did not show these colposcopic changes. Cytological changes previously related to warty lesions did not occur commonly, and appeared to underestimate the histological occurrence of such changes. Histological changes considered to represent CIN were uncommon in patients who said that they had begun sexual activity less than 10 years ago, whereas patients with warty characteristics on histology showed no such bias.