Magma chamber below Poàs volcano, Costa Rica

Direct field evidence for links between volcanic rocks and contemporaneous subvolcanic intrusions are difficult to establish. Such links might, however, be inferred by making physical measurements on a youthful active volcano. Poás is a small composite volcano (elevation 2700 m, diameter 20 km) which has evolved to its present form by a sequence of caldera- and crater-forming episodes, possibly during the last 5 × 10 4 y. There has been a high level of historic activity from the active crater, which is 1 km in diameter and 300 m deep, and which contains a hot lake. Lavas and dominant pyroclastic rocks exposed in the active crater calc-alkaline basaltic andesites and andesites. Poás volcano is therefore typical of those in island arcs and young continental margins. Gravity measurements show that the volcano has a regional negative Bouguer anomaly, of amplitudes 100–200 gu, upon which is superimposed a closed positive anomaly, in the active crater area, about 2 km in diameter and with a maximum amplitude of 100 gu. This is thought to indicate a 1 km radius cylinder of solid rock of basaltic andesite or andesite composition with a shallow upper surface and extending to a depth of several kilometers. The concept of a large shallow magma chamber, with a diameter similar to that of the volcano, appears not to be appropriate for this volcano.