Alcohol, Drugs, and Psychiatric Disorders

This study investigated the type, frequency, and chronicity of alcohol and drug use, impact of such use on functioning, and concomitant psychiatric diagnoses, symptomatology, and behavioral problems among adolescent psychiatric inpatients. The sample consisted of 29 males and 19 females under 20 years of age consecutively admitted to a psychiatric hospitaL Self-report and clinical measures were used to assess substance use and other psychiatric symptoms and problems. Results suggested that approximately 50% of the sample had problems with alcohol or drugs. Those with substance abuse problems reported more difficulty with interpersonal relationships, daily living skills, depression/anxiety, anud impulsivity than did those without substance abuse problems. Other symptoms and problems preceded alcohol and drug use. The findings are consistent with those of several other studies and support the need for identification and appropriate treatment for the substance abuse as well as for other psychiatric symptoms and problems.

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