Anxiety and verbal learning.

3 groups, differing in anxiety, learned 2 different types of paired-associate materials and then half of each anxiety group were tested under“immediate” and half under“delay” conditions of intertrial spacing. The first 2 groups were college students selected from extreme scorers on the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale and the third group was composed of hospitalized anxious patients.“Among the students, the high and low groups, tested under both delay and immediate conditions, showed no significant differences in their learning of the word-associate material. With the more novel and difficult false equations, however, the high anxiety Ss learned significantly less over all and showed a somewhat slower rate of learning from trial to trial. Among the patients, those tested under the delay condition performed about as well as the high-anxiety students, while those under the immediate condition learned a lesser amount both of the word and equation materials.” 19 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)