The contribution of three strong candidate schizophrenia susceptibility genes in demographically distinct populations

Here we characterize and compare the contribution of three recently identified strong candidate schizophrenia susceptibility genes; G72 , neuregulin 1 (NRG1 ) and dystrobrevin‐binding protein 1 (DTNBP1 ) in two independent datasets of patients with distinct genetic backgrounds. On the basis of corrected P‐values from single‐ and multilocus transmission distortion tests our analysis provides no support for a contribution of G72 , NRG1 or DTNBP1 in the tested samples. When transmission of individual haplotypes was considered, a picture more consistent with the original studies emerged, where transmission distortions in the same direction as the original samples and involving the same core haplotypes were observed for G72 and NRG1 . Interestingly, whereas the NRG1 gene analysis was dominated by the presence of over‐transmitted haplotypes, the G72 gene analysis was consistently dominated in both datasets by under‐transmissions. Negative transmissions involved a core haplotype complementary to the originally detected over‐transmitted haplotype, suggesting the presence of a protective variant within the G72 locus.