In the month of June last, I communicated to this Society a “Preliminary Note on the Occurrence of Microsporangia in Organic Connection with the Foliage of Lyginodendron.” In the present paper I propose to deal more fully with the subject and to describe and figure the specimens in detail which formed the subject of the preliminary note. There will also be included in this communication the description of a new species of Crossotheca ( C. Hughesiana ), the structure of whose microsporangia is identical with that of Crossotheca Höninghausi , Brongt. sp., and which confirms the observations made on the structure of the microsporangia of that species. Before proceeding it is necessary to make perfectly clear that the plant named Sphenopteris Höninghausi by Brongniart is identical with the Lyginodendron Oldhamium of Williamson. This view is, I believe, generally accepted, but it seems desirable to give the evidence on which I think this relationship is clearly proved.