étude De L'homogénété Et De L'intervalle De Confiance Des Mesures Audiométriques Vocales

The speech audiometric measurements commonly used in clinical audiology do not make it possible to know whether the measurement is homogene nor what is the margin of errors. The comparison of the intelligibility and the phonetic tests show that the dispersion of the test of intelligibility is more important because of the lack of qualitative precision of the measurement. To get a valid percentage on the clinical point of view with the phonetic test, it is enough to use 5 elements from a list, that is to say: 85 words. To have the same precision with the test of intelligibility 450 words are necessary. The speech audiometry must be done with all the possible precision. The homogenity of the measurement must be calculated as well as the interval of security. Only phonetic tests which allow a qualitative measurement of the audition can be summed up statistically and bring an important precision for the clinical diagnostic as well as for the calculating of the social loss of audition.

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