It is now possible, through the use of a number of experimental technologies, to transfer genetic information into mouse embryos to stably alter the genetic constitution of mice. This experimental approach, namely the generation of so-termed "transgenic" animals, is affording new insights into a wide variety of biological problems. This review focuses on one system for the generation of transgenic mice, which utilizes tissue culture cell lines of embryonic stem cells, termed ES cells. The remarkable property of ES cells is that they retain the potential to reform an embryo; when they are replaced inside a carrier embryo, they resume normal development and contribute to all the tissues of the live-born chimeric animal. Recent experiments, using a repertoire of gene transfer techniques, have shown that ES cells are amenable to a variety of experimental manipulations in tissue culture. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that these genetically altered cells can be transferred into the germ line of chimeric mice, thus allowing the production of unique strains of animals for study. The applications of the ES cell system are reviewed, with particular emphasis on their use for the generation of random insertional mutations using a retrovirally mediated mutagenesis approach. Finally, the use of ES cells in conjunction with the recently described technique of homologous recombination, or "gene targeting," is discussed. This technology allows the generation of animals carrying extremely precise genetic modifications of endogenous genes.