Le Sommeil Nocturne Chez Le Babouin Papio Papio

This paper represents an attempt to form a synthesis of the results obtained on the sleep in the baboon Papio papio, by means of 2 different methods: the study of the conditions of sleep in their natural habitat (5 groups were studied in East Senegal and an eeg study by means of telemetry at the laboratory. The first shows that the sleeping baboons remain steated on highly situated branches of big trees (the highest trees of the region). The second (eeg study) shows that light sleep is interrupted by frequent awakenings. The postural tonus is maintained over the duration of the slow sleep. In order to insure their security during sleep, these animals are obliged to search for an inaccessible refuge at the top of the trees. Those conditions have necessitated a particular organization of the neurophysiological mechanism of sleep which represents an adaptation if compared to a more primitive form, as observed for instance in Galago.

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