To the Editor.— In the course of a parttime consultative dermatologic practice for a prepaid group health plan which serves about 35,000 people in the greater Cleveland metropolitan area, I have had the occasion to see in consultation 31 meat-cutters (butchers) from September 1968 until August 1969. All 31 patients had the same presenting complaint—warts on their hands which had developed after having worked with fresh and frozen meat, poultry, and fish. In an earlier, independent observation at the same health facility, Dr. Fillmore K. Bagatell, at present associate clinical research director of the Squibb Institute for Medical Research, noted a similar high incidence of warts in meat-cutters. He subsequently sent out a questionnaire to 597 meat-cutters, and from the 72% response, over 44% indicated that they had (or had had) what they defined as warts on their hands. This compared with the 24% incidence of warts in automobile workers,