Changes in germinability, ABA content and ABA embryonic sensitivity in developing seeds of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. induced by water stress during grain filling

Summary: The effect of intermittent water stress during grain filling on the germinability of developing seeds of S. bicolor was investigated. The drought treatment was imposed in cycles within the maturation period by withholding water for 5–6 days, rewatering at the end of each drought cycle and withholding water again. Changes in abscisic acid (ABA) content and embryonic sensitivity to ABA in the maturing seeds were also monitored in order to find out if there were any parallel changes with seed germinability resulting from drought conditions. Seeds developing in plants subjected to drought showed a high level of germinability earlier in the maturation period than did control seeds; consequently, they were less resistant to pre‐harvest sprouting as shown when panicles were exposed to high humidity conditions. Very high levels of ABA accumulated in the early stages of development in seeds maturing on water‐stressed mother plants; however. ABA content fell markedly when the seeds stopped growing, and remained significantly below those recorded in control seeds until the end of the maturation period. Development under drought conditions decreased the sensitivity of the isolated embryo to exogenous ABA by about 10‐fold. The good agreement found between germinability, endogenous ABA concentrations and embryo sensitivity to ABA at different stages of development, suggests a key role for ABA as a major inhibitor of precocious germination and shows that changes in germinability caused by water stress during grain filling are likely to be related to changes in ABA pool size in the developing seed.