The present paper is the first of a series describing a collection of cestodes from the Biological Laboratory of the Egyptian Government School of Medicine, Cairo, the nematodes having previously been described in this Journal by Baylis (1923 a, 1923 b, 1923 c) and Boulenger (1926). The identification of this portion of the collection has presented great difficulties, the specimens, from long immersion in alcohol mixed with fragments of cork, having become so pigmented as to be virtually black and almost unstainable: but for a formula (soak for 3 to 5 days in pure beechwood creosote, then transfer for the same time to 5 per cent. hydrochloric acid in 70 per cent, alcohol) supplied by Dr H. A. Baylis—to whom the author tenders his most sincere thanks—the elucidation of their anatomy would have been impossible.