Quality of Performance of Assays for Maternal Serum Alphafetoprotein in the United Kingdom: Evidence from the UK External Quality Assessment Scheme 1980–87

Between-laboratory agreement in the UK EQAS for maternal serum alphafetoprotein has improved steadily since 1976 and the geometric coefficient of variation is now 8 to 9% at levels of 50 to 150 kU/L. The use of a common standard and commercial assay kits appear to have contributed to this trend. Within-laboratory performance is also generally good, about 50% of participants maintain a bias of less than 5%, together with a scatter of the bias of less than 10%. These data indicate that the quality of assay performance is adequate for the requirements of screening programmes for open neural tube effects. The improvement in laboratory performance is such that between-laboratory agreement is better expressed in kU/L than as multiples of the median. Errors in interpretation of clearly normal or abnormal results appear to be rare (0·4%), and contribute little to overall false positive and negative rates. However. they assume significance as most arc due to avoidable errors.