Thyroid Hormone Regulation of MHC Isoform Composition and Myofibrillar ATPase Activity in Rat Skeletal Muscles

Myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform composition and Ca2+ Mg2+ dependent ATPase activity were determined in myofibrils prepared from skeletal muscles (diaphragm, soleus, plantaris and tibialis anterior) of euthyroid (C), hypothyroid (Tx) and hyperthyroid (T3) rats. Direct comparison between T3 and Tx gave an indication of the maximal effect of thyroid hormones. Significant differences in MHC-1 and MHC-2B proportions and in ATPase activity were found in all muscles. The difference in MHC-2A/X proportion was significant only in soleus, diaphragm and plantaris. When T3 and C were compared, significant variations in MHC isoform composition were found only in plantaris and diaphragm. The comparison between Tx and C showed significant differences in MHC isoform distribution and in ATPase activity in most muscles. The differences in ATPase activity among muscles and among thyroid states were consistent with those in MHC isoform distribution. From the correlations between ATPase activity and MHC isoform distribution the enzymatic activities of individual MHC isoforms were calculated. The results indicate that MHC isoform distribution is controlled by thyroid state in all skeletal muscles and that changes in MHC isoforms distribution are accompanied by proportional changes in ATPase activity.