The Pharmacognosy of Rauwolfia

Summary: Rauwolfia of Indian commerce consists of the dried rhizomes and roots, with occasional small pieces of attached aerial stem, of Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. The important histological features are the cork, composed of alternating layers of broad and narrow cells, giving a somewhat spongy and friable exterior to the drug; the narrow bark and the wide central mass of wood in the root or broad ring in the rhizome, showing about 3 to 8 growth rings; a tetrarch, or occasionally triarch, primary xylem in roots or a very small pith at the centre of rhizomes; in the periphery of the pith a ring of about 20 small groups of perimedullary phloem. All the cells of the wood, including those of the medullary rays are lignified. The xylem vessels, fibres and parenchyma form narrow undulating radially arranged bands, separated by large medullary rays in the root and by smaller ones in the rhizome. The vessel segments are small and narrow and the xylem fibres are often irregularly shaped with long, usually much contorted, tapering ends; many of the vessels, especially in the rhizome, show tylosis and occasionally contain resinous masses. The phloem also occurs in undulating bands similar to those of the xylem; phloem fibres are absent. In the rhizome, unlignified pericyclic fibres occur, either singly or in groups of 2 to 4; they show the local and sub-terminal elongated-oval enlargements characteristic of the Apocynaceæ. All the parenchymatous tissues, except the cork, contain numerous starch grains, about 4 to 20 to 50μ in diameter. Cells containing a brownish yellow secretion occur in small numbers, either singly or in short longitudinal rows, in the bark, wood and pith, being most frequent in the cortex of pieces of rhizome. Typical laticiferous tubes are absent. Calcium oxalate occurs in numerous cells of the phloem and of the medullary rays of the bark; the crystals are either well-formed prisms or aggregates of irregular angular components.

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