Current-voltage (I-V) and ac-resistivity measurements in the mixed state of amorphous Nb1x Gex (x≊0.3) films in perpendicular magnetic fields are extensively analyzed for evidence of different vortex-lattice (VL) phases. In the low-temperature-field (T-B) regime flux flow is suppressed due to the presence of weak pinning centers giving rise to collective pinning of straight vortices. Various criteria for the depinning current are discussed and the impact on the collective pinning analysis is investigated. In the high T-B regime, just below the mean-field transition line Bc2(T), linear I-V behavior shows evidence of uniform flux flow. The flux-flow resistivity follows the theoretical predictions providing a means to determine the upper critical field. It turns out to be distinctly larger than the field B0 at which the pinning disappears or the field Bp where the pinning force starts to decrease sharply. In the narrow regime between Bp and B0 the ac resistivity ρac rises steeply towards the dc flux-flow resistivity. Either Bp or B0 coincides with the VL melting field Bm(T) as was predicted by the theory for two-dimensional melting. Two scenarios are further investigated: one in which Bp is taken to be Bm, so that the steep rise in ρac is caused by inhomogeneous flow of the viscous vortex liquid in presence of disorder. In the other B0 is identified with Bm and the behavior of ρac is supposed to be evidence of thermally activated hopping of VL defects. The latter scenario is in better agreement with the experiments.