A Study of Spontaneous Sexual Maturation of the Female Ferret1

Although ferrets are long-day breeders, females reared exclusively in nonstimulatory short days will undergo spontaneous sexual maturation by 30-50 wk of age. In the following report, this spontaneous sexual maturation of ferrets was studied to determine mechanisms regulating sexual maturation in nonstimulatory photoperiods. Study of ovariectomized females treated with low, constant levels of estradiol suggest that a marked decrease in the efficacy of estradiol to inhibit luteinizing hormone secretion occurs shortly before sexual maturity becomes evident in intact controls (both groups housed in short days). During this long juvenile period, a marked increase in body weight occurred, but ovarian responsiveness to exogenous gonadotropin did not change. Older, larger females did respond more rapidly to stimulatory photoperiod than did younger females. These studies suggest that the mechanisms of spontaneous puberty in ferrets are likely the same as those regulating photoperiod-stimulated puberty in this species.

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