Colonization rate and community structure of periphyton assemblages was examined on aluminium and glass substrata and compared to populations on four submerged macrophyte species in three temperature zones in Cholla Lake, Arizona, U.S.A. Higher densities were achieved over shorter incubation intervals in the warmer zones (26–35° C). Representatives from the planktonic diatom community were first to colonize artificial substrata during the initial two hour incubation period in all temperature zones. Two periphyton diatom representatives, Amphora coffeiformis and Cocconeis placentula var. lineata were the numerical dominants after one week. Cocconeis placentula var. lineata was most competitive on natural substrata at temperatures 26°C with no significant preferences for artificial or natural substrata. The significance of temperature, specific conductance and availability of living hosts is discussed with respect to regulating populations of these two common periphytic diatom species in alkaline waters in southwestern U.S.A. Similarity indices (SIMI) were used to compare algal assemblages on various natural and artificial substrata pairs. Periphyton assemblages were very similar on all natural substrata within similar temperature zones, with little or no preference for macrophyte species displaying similar leaf morphology. Diatom assemblages were quite similar on aluminium and glass substrata throughout the incubation period in all temperature zones, while blue-green algal populations were significantly different, particularly in the higher temperature zones (>28°C). Natural periphyton communities were best represented after four weeks incubation with aluminium substrata in warmer temperature zones (>28°C) or where filamentous blue-green algae dominated. The selection of adequate incubation time when employing artificial substrata to evaluate natural assemblages for different environmental conditions and algal populations is discussed.