Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interaction Study of Delavirdine and Indinavir in Healthy Volunteers

The potential pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction between delavirdine, a nonnucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor, and indinavir, an inhibitor of HIV protease, was evaluated in healthy volunteers. Subjects received a single 800-mg dose of indinavir sulfate on day 1 (baseline). Delavirdine mesylate 400 mg was administered three times daily on days 2 through 10. On day 9, a single 400-mg dose and on day 10 a single 600-mg dose of indinavir were given along with morning doses of delavirdine. Pharmacokinetic evaluations of indinavir were made on days 1, 9, and 10, and of delavirdine on days 8, 9, and 10. Fourteen healthy male volunteers completed the study. Single doses of indinavir had no clinically important effects on the pharmacokinetics of delavirdine. Mean indinavir Cmax values for the 400-mg and 600-mg doses administered concomitantly with delavirdine were dose proportionally lower than that observed following the 800-mg dose administered alone. Mean Tmax values were similar and ranged from 1.0 ± 0.3/hour for indinavir 800 mg administered alone to 1.3 ± 0.4/hour for indinavir 600 mg administered with delavirdine. These results indicate that delavirdine had no clinically important effect on the rate of indinavir absorption. In contrast, the mean indinavir AUC0-∞ value following the 400-mg dose administered with delavirdine was only 14% lower than the baseline value determined for the 800-mg indinavir dose (25,400 ± 6960 nM hour versus 29,600 ± 7920 nM hour), and the mean indinavir AUC0-∞ value for the 600-mg indinavir dose administered with delavirdine (42,700 ± 9800 nM hour) was 44% greater than the baseline value. All differences among mean AUC0-∞ values were statistically significant. Mean indinavir half-life values were slightly longer when indinavir was given in a dose with delavirdine than when indinavir was administered alone. These results suggest that delavirdine inhibits metabolism of indinavir and support the possibility of a reduction in the magnitude or frequency of indinavir dosage when given in combination with delavirdine.