Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin method in multidimensional tunneling

The WKB method is commonly used in semiclassical approximations to the wave function in both the classically allowed and the forbidden regions of a one-dimensional potential. In a multidimensional space, the method can be adapted to construct wave functions in an ‘‘allowed’’ region from classical trajectories or wave normals. However, in the ‘‘forbidden’’ region the WKB wave function is in general specified by two sets of wave fronts, the equiphase and the equiamplitude surfaces or equivalently by two sets of paths defined to be normal to these surfaces, respectively. We present a Huygens-type construction for obtaining these wave fronts and paths, which reveals that for non-normal incidence the paths are coupled to each other. The analysis enables us to answer some of the basic questions concerning tunneling in multidimensional nonseparable potentials. A special and important case occurs when the incident wave is normal to the turning surface. We show that for normal incidence the path equations are decoupled and are equivalent to Newton’s equations of motion for the inverted potential and energy.