Peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities in malformed mango inflorescences of ‘Himsagar’ and ‘Bombay green’ oultivars wore found to be increased considerably following infection byFusarium moniliforme var.subglutinans. Whether such increased activities were due to their synthesis by the pathogen or the host, or both, was not studied although it was found that the pathogen was incapable of producing the enzymesin vitro. The activities of both the enzymes in infected tissues were found to increase considerably during the experimental period. It was found that activities of polyphenol oxidase were inhibited in the presence of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate and phenylthiourea; the former acted as chelating agent of Cu of the enzymes and the latter as a competitive inhibitor. Similarly, peroxidase activity was found to be inhibited by cycloheximide which acted as inhibitor of enzyme protein synthesis. The fact that the ‘Himsagar’ cultivar showed greater enzyme activity than the ‘Bombay green’ cultivar possibly suggests its higher resistance to the pathogen.