Temporal Structure in Zebra Finch Song: Implications for Motor Coding

Adult zebra finch songs consist of stereotyped sequences of syllables. Although some behavioral and physiological data suggest that songs are structured hierarchically, there is also evidence that they are driven by nonhierarchical, clock-like bursting in the premotor nucleus HVC (used as a proper name). In this study, we developed a semiautomated template-matching algorithm to identify repeated sequences of syllables and a modified dynamic time-warping algorithm to make fine-grained measurements of the temporal structure of song. We find that changes in song length are expressed across the song as a whole rather than resulting from an accumulation of independent variance during singing. Song length changes systematically over the course of a day and is related to the general level of bird activity as well as the presence of a female. The data also show patterns of variability that suggest distinct mechanisms underlying syllable and gap lengths: as tempo varies, syllables stretch and compress proportionally less than gaps, whereas syllable–syllable and gap–gap correlations are significantly stronger than syllable–gap correlations. There is also increased temporal variability at motif boundaries and especially strong positive correlations between the same syllables sung in different motifs. Finally, we find evidence that syllable onsets may have a special role in aligning syllables with global song structure. Generally, the timing data support a hierarchical view in which song is composed of smaller syllable-based units and provide a rich set of constraints for interpreting the results of physiological recordings.