Hormonal Effects of Wedge Resection of Polycystic Ovaries

Plasma FSH [follicle stimulating hormone], LH [luteinizing hormone], estradiol, testosterone and progesterone were measured serially before, during and after bilateral ovarian wedge resection in 2 patients with polycystic ovaries. Preoperatively both were anovulatory with persistently elevated plasma LH values and 1 patient had high testosterone concentrations. Plasma FSH, estradiol and progesterone were within the normal midfollicular phase range. The LH:FSH ratio was increased and no cyclic gonadotropic activity occurred. During surgery progesterone levels rose while estradiol concentrations fell. In both patients, the initial reduction in estradiol secretion was observed after unilateral wedge resection but testosterone concentrations only declined 6-24 h postoperatively. During the 1st postoperative week the LH:FSH ratio fell significantly and cyclic gonadotropic activity, in the form of sporadic LH and FSH spurts, was noted. In the 2nd wk after surgery, an estradiol surge occurred followed by preovulatory LH and FSH peaks, ovulation and a normal luteal phase. Spontaneous memstruation occurred by the end of the 1st postoperative month and both patients conceived within 4 mo. of surgery.