A bryozoan buildup from the Lower Carboniferous of North Wales

A carbonate buildup dominated by trepostome Bryozoa is described from Dinantian (Asbian) strata near Llandudno in North Wales. A three-phase ecological succession is recognised within the buildup: (i) a basal diverse community with fenestrate, ramose, encrusting trepostome and cystoporate bryozoans in a mud rich wackestone; (ii) a bulk facies, dominated by encrusting and foliaceous, trepostome bryozoans in a fine packstone, and (iii) a thin capping phase, dominated by unilaminar, encrusting trepostome bryozoans in a slightly coarser lithology, including skeletal debris derived from the mound top and possible flanking beds. The buildup probably had topographic relief and developed in a shallow marine environment. The internal tripartite zonation reflects the growth of the structure into a shallower, higher energy regime, with the capping beds being deposited just below wave base. The buildup developed to the north of St. George''s Land, on a carbonate shelf edge bordering the deeper basinal facies of the Irish Sea Basin.