Solar neutrinos: global analysis with day and night spectra from SNO

We perform global analysis of the solar neutrino data including the day and night spectra of events at SNO. In the context of two active neutrino mixing, the best fit of the data is provided by the LMA MSW solution with Delta m^2 = 6.2 10^{-5} eV^2, tan^2\theta = 0.4, f_B = 1.06, where f_B is the boron neutrino flux in units of the corresponding flux in the Standard Solar Model (SSM). At 3 sigma level we find the following upper bounds: tan^2\theta < 0.8 and Delta m^2 < 3.3 10^{-4} eV^2. From 1 sigma-interval we expect the day-night asymmetries of the charged current and electron scattering events to be: A_{DN}^{CC} = 4 +4-3 and A_{DN}^{ES} = 2.1 +1.9-1.6. The only other solution which appears at 3 sigma-level is the VAC solution with Delta m^2 = 4.5 10^{-10} eV^2, tan^2\theta = 2.1 and f_B=0.72. The best fit point in the LOW region, with Delta m^2 = 0.93 10^{-7} eV^2 and tan^2\theta = 0.68, is accepted at 99.86% (3.2 sigma) C.L. . The least chi^2 point from the SMA solution region, with Delta m^2 = 5 10^{-6} eV^2 and tan^2\theta = 5 10^{-3}, could be accepted at 5.5 sigma-level only. In the three neutrino context the influence of theta_{13} is studied. We find that with increase of theta_{13} the LMA best fit point shifts to larger Delta m^2, mixing angle is practically unchanged, and the quality of the fit becomes worse. The fits of LOW and SMA slightly improve.

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