The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Stellar Spectral Atlas

We present an atlas of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectra of 95 bright stellar sources observed between 1992 July and 1996 June with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) spectrometers. These data are taken in the short- (SW; 70-190 Å), medium- (MW; 140-380 Å), and long-wavelength bandpasses (LW; 280-760 Å) at roughly 0.5, 1, and 2 Å resolution, respectively. We describe the spectrometers and detail the procedure used to reduce the observational data to spectra. The atlas is grouped by the type of source: O-A stars, F-M stars, white dwarfs, and cataclysmic variables. We present a brief overview of the general nature and EUV spectral distribution of each group and present accompanying notes and individual spectra for each source. We show selected F-M sources in more detail with identifications of the brightest spectral lines illustrating the characteristics of the EUV spectra of stars of various temperatures. The current study is the most complete compilation to date of aggregate spectra of bright EUV stellar sources.