The lacteridian reticular thalamic nucleus projects topographically upon the dorsal thalamus: Experimental study in Gallotia galloti

The projection pattern of the ventral thalamic reticular nucleus onto the dorsal thalamus was studied in the lizard Gallotia gallotiusing in vitro horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent carbocyanine labelling techniques. Localized label deposits at three dorsoventrally spaced sites in the dorsal thalamus elicited retrograde transport into separate, though partly overlapping, medial, dorsolateral and ventrolateral sectors within an extended cytoarchitectonic complex which may be globally identifiable as the reticular nucleus. Neurons found in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral sectors mainly corresponded to the cell group named nucleus ventromedialis (or nucleus of the dorsal supraoptic decussation) in the literature, whereas neurons labelled in the medial sector corresponded to the so‐called dorsal hypothalamic nucleus. Sparser cells appear labelled in the superficially placed nucleus suprapeduncularis. Thalamotelencephalic fibers arising from the injected dorsal thalamic nuclei also project on the corresponding retrogradely labeled sectors within the reticular nucleus. These findings reveal a rough topographic organization in the connections of the extended reticular nucleus complex with the whole dorsal thalamus. This supports the hypothesis of hodological homology between this ventral thalamic formation in Gallotiaand the mammalian thalamic reticular nucleus.