The thymocyte population of mice treated with cortisone was examined at various times with respect to its relative capacity to be triggered to DNA synthesis by soluble phytomitogens or mitogenic factors (MF) released by lymph node cells exposed to phytomitogens. The capacity of the thymocyte population to produce MF in response to phytomitogen exposure was also examined. We found that the relative blastogenic activity of both phytomitogens and MF on thymocytes increased as the cell number of the thymus was reduced by the cortisone treatment. However, the reactivity to phytomitogens increased to a higher extent. During the subsequent regeneration of the organ the stimulability of the cells by phytomitogen decreased far below that of MF. The relative capacity of thymocytes to produce MF seemed to parallel their phytomitogen reactivities Onepossible explanation of the results is that there exists one subpopulation of cells in the thymus more responsive to phytomitogens than to MF and another more responsive to MF than to phytomitogen. It is possible that the cells that are phytomitogen‐responsive are those that can produce MF.