Parallel simulation of neural networks

We simulate five neural networks on a vector multiprocessor. The training time can be reduced significantly especially when the training data size is large. These five neural networks are: 1) the ART1 network, 2) the ART 2 network, 3) the feedforward network, 4) the recurrent network, and 5) the Hopfield network. The training algorithms are programmed in such a way to best utilize 1) the inherent parallelism in neural computing, and 2) the vector and concur rent operations available on the parallel machine. To prove the correctness of parallelized training algorithms, each neural network is trained to perform a specific function. ART 1 and ART 2 are trained to recognize binary and analog patterns. The feedforward network is trained to perform the Fourier transform, the recurrent network is trained to predict the solution of a delay differential equation, the Hopfield network is trained to solve the traveling salesman problem. The machine we experiment with is the Alliant FX/80.