Monitoring global change: Comparison of forest cover estimates using remote sensing and inventory approaches

Satellite-based remote sensing offers great potential for frequent assessment of forest cover over broad spatial scales, however, calibration and validation using ground-based surveys are needed. In this study, forest cover estimates for the United States from a recently developed land surface cover map generated from satellite remote sensing data were compared to state-level inventory data from the U.S. National Resources Planning Act Timber Database. The land cover map was produced at the U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center and is based on imagery from the AVHRR sensor (spatial resolution ∼1.1 km). Vegetation type was classified using the temporal signal in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index derived from AVHRR data. Comparisons revealed close agreement in the estimate of forest cover for extensively forested states with large polygons of relatively similar vegetation such as Oregon. Larger forest cover differences were observed in other states with some regional patterns in the level of agreement apparent. Comparisons in inventory- and remote sensing-based estimates of current forested area with potential vegetation maps indicated the magnitude of past land use change and the potential for future changes. The remote sensing approach appears to hold promise for conducting surveys of forest cover where inventory data are limited or where rates of vegetation change, due to human or climatic factors, are rapid.