A Serum Response Factor-Dependent Transcriptional Regulatory Program Identifies Distinct Smooth Muscle Cell Sublineages

The SM22alpha promoter has been used as a model system to define the molecular mechanisms that regulate smooth muscle cell (SMC) specific gene expression during mammalian development. The SM22alpha gene is expressed exclusively in vascular and visceral SMCs during postnatal development and is transiently expressed in the heart and somites during embryogenesis. Analysis of the SM22alpha promoter in transgenic mice revealed that 280 bp of 5' flanking sequence is sufficient to restrict expression of the lacZ reporter gene to arterial SMCs and the myotomal component of the somites. DNase I footprint and electrophoretic mobility shift analyses revealed that the SM22alpha promoter contains six nuclear protein binding sites (designated smooth muscle elements [SMEs] -1 to -6, respectively), two of which bind serum response factor (SRF) (SME-1 and SME-4). Mutational analyses demonstrated that a two-nucleotide substitution that selectively eliminates SRF binding to SME-4 decreases SM22alpha promoter activity in arterial SMCs by approximately 90%. Moreover, mutations that abolish binding of SRF to SME-1 and SME-4 or mutations that eliminate each SME-3 binding activity totally abolished SM22alpha promoter activity in the arterial SMCs and somites of transgenic mice. Finally, we have shown that a multimerized copy of SME-4 (bp -190 to -110) when linked to the minimal SM22alpha promoter (bp -90 to +41) is necessary and sufficient to direct high-level transcription in an SMC lineage-restricted fashion. Taken together, these data demonstrate that distinct transcriptional regulatory programs control SM22alpha gene expression in arterial versus visceral SMCs. Moreover, these data are consistent with a model in which combinatorial interactions between SRF and other transcription factors that bind to SME-4 (and that bind directly to SRF) activate transcription of the SM22alpha gene in arterial SMCs.