Cell wall and enzyme changes during the graviresponse of the leaf-sheath pulvinus of oat (Avena sativa).

The graviresponse of the leaf-sheath pulvinus of oat (Avena sativa) involves an asymmetric growth response accompanied by several asymmetric processes, including degradation of starch and cell wall synthesis. To understand further the cellular and biochemical events associated with the graviresponse, changes in cell walls and their constituents and the activities of related enzymes were investigated in excised pulvini. Asymmetric increases in dry weight with relatively symmetric increases in wall weight accompanied the graviresponse. Starch degradation could not account for increases in wall weight. However, a strong asymmetry in invertase activity indicated that hydrolysis of exogenous sucrose could contribute significantly to the increases in wall and dry weights. Most cell wall components increased proportionately during the graviresponse, However, .beta.-D-glucan did not increase symmetrically, but rather increased in proportion in lower halves of gravistimulated pulvini. This change resulted from an increase in glucan synthase activity in lower halves. The asymmetry of .beta.-D-glucan content arose too slowly to account for initiation of the graviresponse. A similar pattern in change in wall extensibility was also observed. Since .beta.-D-glucan was the only wall component to change, it is hypothesized that this change is the basis for the change in wall extensibility. Since wall extensibility changed too slowly to account for growth initiation, it is postulated tha asymmetric changes in osmotic solutes act as the driving factor for growth promotion in the graviresponse, while wall extensibility acts as a limiting factor during growth.