Tumor necrosis factor induction by Sendai virus.

Supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBMC) treated with Sendai virus were found to exert significant cytotoxic effects mediated by leukocyte-produced proteins distinct from interferon. Fractionation of the PBMC into adherent and nonadherent cells indicated that these virus-induced cytotoxins (CTX) were produced primarily in the mononuclear phagocytes. Cells of the monocyte-like U937 line pretreated with 4 beta-phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate could also be induced with Sendai virus to produce CTX. The nonadherent mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood responded poorly to the virus with regard to CTX production, even though they could be induced to produce CTX with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). With the use of monospecific antibodies to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and to lymphotoxin (LT), it was found that TNF is the major CTX produced by PBMC and by the U937 cells after 24 hr stimulation by the virus, whereas LT is not induced under these conditions to any measurable extent. TNF was also found to be produced in significant amounts together with LT upon stimulation of the nonadherent fraction of the PBMC by PHA. These findings indicate that besides bacterial lipopolysaccharides, other biological agents including viruses can be effective inducers of tumor necrosis factor, suggesting implications regarding the physiologic role of this protein.