Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons on Ne22 and the T=1/2 and T=3/2 Energy Levels of Na23

Excitation functions for elastic scattering of protons on Ne 22 were studied at θ c.m. =56.9°, 92.6°, 125.7°, 140.8° and 151.3° in the energy range E p =0.94–4.2 MeV. The excitation function for protons inelastically scattered to the first excited state of Ne 22 was measured at θ lab. =139.1° above E p =2.1 MeV and the γ rays following them were observed below E p =2.1 MeV. A total of 75 resonances was observed corresponding to Na 23 levels between 9.7 MeV and 12.8 MeV. Several pronounced resonances are analysed using the single level approximation of the dispersion formula, and level parameters are assigned. The T =3/2 isobaric analogue states in Na 23 and Ne 23 are discussed.