Soft x-ray tomography diagnostic for the Alcator C tokamak

A soft x-ray tomography diagnostic has been built and operated on the Alcator C tokamak with the use of an 80-channel array of detectors. The detector system consists of miniature PIN photodiodes which are located around the periphery of the plasma at one toroidal location (top and bottom ports) in order to image the poloidal cross section of the plasma’s soft x-ray emissivity. The compact size and inexpensive cost of these detectors allow for the large number of views required to avoid any assumptions about plasma rotation, position, or symmetry in the reconstruction algorithm. The use of logarithmic amplifiers in the electronic circuitry makes it possible to record conveniently data from a wide range of plasma operating parameters. This diagnostic has been used to study plasma position and shape, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) phenomena, and the effects of impurities. Data from a pellet-fueled discharge exhibiting large-scale MHD activity are presented. The system has recently been expanded to 128 detectors with the addition of an array on a side port in order to improve its coverage of the plasma and the resolution of the reconstructions.