Glucosinolates in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and the incidence of pollen beetles (Meligethes aeneus)

Summary: During an early stage of migration into a field of oilseed rape in the spring of 1988, more pollen beetles were observed on the double‐low variety, Ariana, than on the adjacent single‐low varieties, Bienvenu and Mikado. More beetles were found on open flowers on terminal racemes than on yellow and green flower buds on lateral racemes.Five alkenyl, three indolyl and two aromatic glucosinolates were identified in the floral tissues of oilseed rape. The major compounds were progoitrin (2‐OH, 3‐butenyl) and glucobrassicanapin (4‐pentenyl). There were no differences in the types and concentrations of glucosinolates present in the terminal and lateral racemes of any variety, and only small differences between single‐ and double‐low varieties. Concentrations of glucosinolates in floral tissues of crops grown with a little nitrogen were twice those of well‐fertilised crops. There was no association between the number and distribution of pollen beetles on plants and the amounts or types of glucosinolates present in floral tissues.