Over a period of thirteen years at the Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children, autopsies were performed on seventy-five infants under 1 year of age who showed tuberculous lesions. These autopsies were performed by different men in the pathological department of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and therefore the records do not have the value which they would have if the autopsies had all been done by one person who was primarily interested in the tuberculosis of infants. The autopsy records are on the whole complete, but do not always contain positive statements of negative observations. EXPOSURE No history was available in two cases (2.7 per cent of the total number of cases). A positive history of exposure occurred in twenty-five of the remaining seventy-three cases (33.3 per cent of the total number), a suggestive history in nine cases (12 per cent), and a negative history in thirty-nine cases (52 per