The aim of this study is to investigate the degree to which the imaging quality of an existing (video-based) electronic portal imaging device (EPID) system may be improved by using an avalanche-multiplication-based video camera (called the avalanche-gain method). Due to avalanche multiplication in the target of the video camera tube, the new camera can be made up to several hundred times more sensitive than a camera using a conventional video (e.g., Saticon) tube. As a result, the camera noise which limits the performance of current video-based EPIDs should be overwhelmed and made negligible. The detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of an EPID using the avalanche-gain method has been measured with 6 MV and 18 MV beams obtained using a linear accelerator. It is shown that the camera noise is indeed much smaller than quantum noise and that the DQE of the system is significantly increased compared to conventional video-based EPIDs. Variation of DQE of the avalanche-gain video portal system with a change of demagnification was also investigated. It has been shown that the improvement of optical coupling has less effect in this system than that in a conventional video-based EPID system.