Effect of HECNU in malignant supratentorial gliomas ? a phase II study

Forty adults with recurring brain gliomas were treated with HECNU 130 mg/m2, given i v. every 5 to 6 weeks (mean 5.4) and corticosteroids. According to the response to treatment, patients were divided in 3 groups: 1. Group 1 included 8 pts (20%) with objective remission, defined as a clear-cut clinical improvement persisting at least 4 weeks after the complete discontinuation of corticosteroids. 2. Group 2 included 14 patients (35%) who improved or remained stable yet stayed corticosteroid-dependent. 3. The 18 patients (45%) of group 3 failed to respond. There was a fair correlation between clinical and radiological response. Thus sequential CT scans showed a 50 to 100% tumour reduction in all patients of group 1, and in 5 of group 2. CT-scans remained unchanged in 8 patients of group 2 and in one of group 3, and showed tumour progression in 10 patients of group 3. Drug toxicity appeared mild, reversible and was not cumulative. The better tolerence of HECNU could represent a real advantage of this drug over the commonly used nitrosourea derivatives such as BCNU and CCNU.