Selection for wild type size derivatiyes of tomato golden mosaic virus during systemic infection

A chimeric tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) A component DNA, which results from replacement of the coding region of the viral coat protein gene (CP) with the larger bacterial beta-glucuronidase coding sequence (GUS), can replicate in agroinoculated leaf discs but is unstable in systemically infected plants. We have made similar replacements of the TGMV CP gene with the GUS coding sequence in both the sense and antisense orientations. Both derivatives replicated in leaf discs inoculated via Agrobacterium. However, systemic movement of the GUS substituted vectors was not detected in agroinoculated Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The only TGMV A derivatives detected by systemically infected leaves of inoculated plants were similar in size to the wild type viral component. Sequence analysis of derivatives from six independently inoculated plants revealed that they did not result from internal deletions of the larger replicons detected in leaf discs but, instead, were generated by fusion events occurring within the original T-DNA insert. These results indicate that systemic movement of TGMV in N. benthamiana plants provides a strong selective pressure favoring viral derivatives similar in size to the wild type virus components.