Theory of Diffusion near Walls

A model previously proposed for momentum transport in fluids, in which momentum and energy are carried by dipole density waves centered on the molecule of interest, is here applied to a calculation of the hindering effect of a wall on diffusion. Consideration is given to both specular and diffuse reflection of the density waves by the wall. The ratio γ of the diffusion constant at a distance l from the wall to the bulk fluid diffusion constant is calculated for diffusion parallel to the wall (γx), and perpendicular to the wall (γz). For the diffuse reflection case γx=(1+l02/8l2)/N,γz=1/N,N=1+(l02/4l2)+(3l04/288l4) and l0 is estimated as 9η(m0/kT)12/2ν where η is the shear viscosity, m0 the molecular mass, and ν the mass density of solvent; l0 may be as large as several hundred angstroms for simple liquids at room temperature.

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