Crosslinked synthetic polypeptides. I. Preparation and characterization of crosslinked poly Glu51‐Lys33Tyr16 and of poly Glu52Lys33Tyr15 no. 3

Crosslinked synthetic polypeptides of poly Glu51Lys33Tyr16 (mol. wt. 31,000) and of poly Glu52Lys33Tyr15 (No. 3) (mol. wt. 52,000) containing from one to six crosslinks per molecule have been prepared by use of FFDNB, WRK and ICD reagents.The monomeric fractions of these derivatives were isolated by Sephadex G‐100 chromatography. The number of crosslinks per molecule of DNPene derivatives was determined by total hydrolysis of the derivatives, isolation of O, N‐DNPene‐Tyr‐Lys bridges by paper chromatography and then spectrophotometric quantitation. The number of the amide‐type crosslinks in Am derivatives was established by their deamination followed by total hydrolysis and quantitation of the remaining lysine residues. Crosslinked derivatives appear to have a more compact structure, as judged by their behavior on the Sephadex columns and by their intrinsic viscosities. They were further characterized in regard to their amino acid composition, average number of the crosslinks per molecule, nitrogen content, solubility, root‐mean‐square end‐to‐end distance, and their spectral properties. Their properties recommend them as useful models for the study of the tertiary structure of proteins in solution.