Testicular Cancer and Cryptorchidism

The records of 273 patients with germ cell tumours of the testis referred between 1970 and July 1991 were reviewed. There were 25 (9%) black, 40 (14%) mixed race and 214 (77%) white patients. Histology showed seminoma in 53% and non-seminomatous and germ cell tumours in 47% of patients. Maldescent of the testis (MDT) was found in 30 patients--an incidence of 11% overall. MDT was present in 8 of 25 (32%) black, 7 of 40 (18%) mixed race and 15 of 214 (7%) white patients with testicular cancer. The incidence of MDT was statistically significantly higher in both black and mixed race patients compared with white patients. None of the black patients had undergone orchiopexy but 71% of mixed race and 87% of white patients had done so. This resulted in a different pattern of presentation in black compared with mixed race and white patients with MDT and testicular cancer. The mean age was 40 years for black, 32 years for mixed race and 33 years for white patients. Black patients presented with abdominal or inguinal tumours rather than scrotal tumours and they had an increased tendency to present with seminomas.