Tillering is examined in relation to the morphology and habit of growth of the perennial herbage grasses; particular reference is made to the effects of cutting and grazing. The importance of tillering in establishment and regeneration or perennation of a grass sward is considered; greater importance is attached to the role of tillers in the regrowth of swards cut for conservation at the reproductive stage of growth. Amounts of regrowth are related to both the number and size of vegetative tillers present at the base of reproductive tillers at the time of cutting. The probable inhibition of the replacement tiller buds by the developing inflorescence is suggested as a reason for the poor growth of grass swards in the favourable environment of midsummer.The physiological mechanisms which control tillering during reproductive development are examined. Spring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), Lolium temulentum and Phalaris tuberosa are used as physiological tools to demonstrate that tillering is restricted during reproductive development, and that stem extension may be more important than changes at the stem apex in controlling this restriction of tillering at the base of the inflorescence‐bearing stem. It appears from results of the application of a range of growth regulators that substances derived from the meri‐stematic centres, in either the elongating stem or the terminal meristem, indirectly control the metabolic activity of the lateral buds from which new tillers are derived. The degree of apical dominance is shown to depend on the light intensity in which the plants are grown. Finally, the physiological results are used to suggest reasons for the commonly found apparent inability of heavily fertilized perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards to regrow after cutting at the inflorescence‐emergence stage of growth.