The orbitozygomatic infratemporal fossa approach: a quantitative anatomical study

Using detailed cadaveric dissections this study has demonstrated and quantified the increase in exposure and additional access gained by using the Orbitozygomatic infratemporal fossa approach for neurosurgical access. The surgical window of exposure can be increased by up to 300% when this technique is utilised to facilitate access via either a subtemporal (to access the P2 segment of the posterior cerebral artery) or transsylvian (to access the basilar bifurcation) approach. In addition the distance between the surgeon and the operative field can be decreased by approximately 2–3 cm. The orbitozygomatic infratemporal fossa approach is a relatively simple technique which can readily increase neurosurgical exposure of the skull base. It also provides simultaneous access to the infratemporal fossa, pterygopalatine fossa and the orbit.